Norbert KIMVULA KAMBA Lawyer

Status: Lawyer

Education: Master of laws (UCC);

Fields of practice: Company law, judicial law, labour law, business criminal law, civil law, financial law, ASBL law, digital law.

Languages: French, English, Tshibula, Lingala

Experience: 2 years

Mr Kimvula holds a master of laws (UCC) in private and judicial law. He was sworn in as a lawyer at the Bar of the Kinshasa/Matete Court of Appeal on 31 May 2024.

He has been advising and assisting clients for several years on all legal matters. His practice focuses in particular on OHADA law (creation of commercial companies, establishments, entrepreneurs, etc.), non-profit associations (registration, etc.), obtaining various property titles (registration certificate), etc.

Since joining TI&A Sca in 2022, he has demonstrated self-sacrifice, promptness and speed in carrying out his work and has shown a high level of cooperation and respect for ethical rules. Mr Kimvula has oratory and writing skills, as well as the ability to understand, analyse and summarise a text, and logical and reasoning skills.

A keen researcher, Mr Kimvula is constantly updating his knowledge of the law by writing articles and other works.  He has published:

 “The issue of the criminal liability of legal entities in law: A comparative study of Congolese and French law”