Tax law and related litigation
Team Leaders : M. Benoît TSHIBANGU & M. Ignace MUAMBA
Tax is among key pillars of the sovereignty of States. However, paying taxes is not always experienced as a desire by taxpayers. On one hand, sometimes Taxpayers manage to pay as little as possible. Some go so far as to avoid paying tax if possible and, where they believe they are either exempt, or that the tax base does not exist, or even that the tax is not yet due. So occur tax disputes. On another hand, the Congolese tax system is declarative, and accordingly, the tax authorities are right to carry out tax audits. Where the find out gaps, they are bound to make adjustment or, in rare cases, they grant tax relief.
In consideration of the complexity of tax procedures, the Congolese law provides that it is up to the taxpayer to get assisted by his counsel.
Tax matter is so crucial for the states. Nowadays, no state can survive without taxes, said a French author, on the occasion of election campaigns, politicians promise to lower taxes, but none of them promises to abolish them. And no one would believe them.
TI&A has a reputable and cutting edge expertise that is appreciated by clients. TI&A represents and assists clients in tax procedures, both in the administrative and jurisdictional phases, when there is a need to file claims and recourses, but also to take legal action for the sake to get the taxpayer's rights restored.
TI&A sca has advised, represented and keeps acting for very large international companies headquartered in DR Congo. Almost all of them are satisfied with its efficient advices.